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The question is:
Courses 課程

Hypnosis Class for Counselor

What is Hypnosis
Hypnosis is as old as recorded history, probably even older, and what it does is it allows you to communicate with the Unconscious Mind. We teach the most advanced Hypnosis techniques on the planet today -- the Hypnosis of Erickson, Estabrooks, and Elman.
Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating change in certain repetitive behaviors including smoking and weight loss, stress reduction, motivation and pain control. Our accelerated weekend hypnosis training course is excellent for anyone who wants to learn hypnotherapy with a maximum of "hands-on" experience. Over the course of our training you will be guided through the Basic Hypnotherapist training by one of our top instructors, using "hands-on" practice, lecture, and discussion.
Hypnosis always give people a ‘mysterious’ feeling ; but actually hypnosis is just an effective way to communicate with our subconscious mind – the most effective way ! Through hypnosis, we can explore our potentials, enhance our self-confidence, increase creativity, relax ourselves, manage stress, lose weight, quit smoking etc. The achievable outcomes are much diversified. Wonder if you can contribute more to this world ? Be a Hypnotherapist - help yourself as well as others.
However, if you do not want to have a healthier body & a better life; there is no need to join this course.
1. “Don’t expect to feel Hypnotized.”
Many people come to the Hypnotherapist thinking that there is something about trance which is markedly different from their “normal” state of consciousness. This is definitely not the case. A Light Trance will likely feel no different from relaxation. Since trance is a normal, natural state, then clients will likely feel a feeling of familiarity, no matter how deep in trance they go. You can say, “Don’t expect to feel hypnotized. Trance is not about feeling “zonked out;” it is a normal natural state.
2. “Do expect to feel relaxed.”
“Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation.”
3. “You ARE in control.”
“During the trance induction, you need to know that you are in charge. For example, if I told you to stand up, and it was OK, you would, right? But if I told you to rob a bank you wouldn’t do that. Well it’s the same in Hypnosis. You are in charge. You only accept the suggestions that are given that are consistent with your own internal values and beliefs.
4. “Trance is about learning how to go into trance.”
“So the process we are about to learn is just that, a learning process. Each step of the way there are several tests, and we will see how many tests you succeed at. The more successful you are the deeper you can go.”
Course Outline
- 催眠與催眠治療
- 催眠狀態的特徵
- 運用聲線/聲調使人進入催眠狀態
- 建議催眠程序
- 催眠提議
- 催眠治療應用技巧
- 不同深度的催眠現象
- ............
一個專為你而設的NLP課程,於31-7-2011正式起跑 課程簡介:
課程名稱 :國際認可Hypnosis 執行師證書課程
學費 :HK$12,500.00
Duration : 4 Day
International Certificate/Diploma :
Graduates will be eligible for the Award of “Certified NLP Practitioner” of the following institutions:American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH)- Certified Hypnotherapist
All Courses can be tailor-made , please contact us for more detail